Computer Science curriculum with free resources for a self-taught developer.
PinePods is a Rust based app that can sync podcasts for individual accounts that relies on a central database with a web frontend and apps available on multiple platforms
On-and-off over the past few months I wrote a new tool called Protokolo. I wrote earlier about how I implemented internationalisation for this project. This blog post is a simple and short introduction to the tool.
Skritur est une initiative collaborative fondée par trois designers graphistes indépendants qui recense, décrypte, interprète et conçoit dans le champ de la chose écrite (inscrite, calligraphique, typographique) en Bretagne particulièrement, mais plus largement les pays celtiques et dans tout lieu où se mêlent les particularismes idiomatiques et les graphies singulières.
Un site avec quelques fontes celtiques (payantes, mais "locales").
Quelques articles sympa aussi.
Le monde est bien fait, vous ne trouvez pas ? Cette cousine, sur le point de devenir anesthésiste : son courage et ses efforts ont permis la réussite de ses études ! Et cet ami virtuose de la clarinette. Ses parents ont eu le bon goût de repérer son oreille musicale alors qu’il était tout petit. Une réussite "méritée" ? Dans cette nouvelle émission du Labo des savoirs, nous allons peut-être bousculer quelques convictions : et si on se délivrait ensemble de la notion de “mérite” ?
Les Grands Entretiens de Reporterre | Ep. 20 - Marc-André Sélosse : « Utiliser le vivant ou mourir »
Un super entretien avec Marc-André Sélosse, je trouve. Ça parle de pas mal de choses ! Biodiversité, climat, avenir de l'humanité…
La version écrite :
J'avais essayé gPodder et l'appli GPodder de Nextcloud et c'était leeeent à la synchro. Je vais tester ce petit nouveau.
via Bearstech
👋 The Python Graph Gallery is a collection of hundreds of charts made with Python.
Graphs are dispatched in about 40 sections following the data-to-viz classification. There are also sections dedicated to more general topics like matplotlib or seaborn.
Each example is accompanied by its corresponding reproducible code along with comprehensive explanations. The gallery offers tutorials that cater to beginners to help kickstart their journey, as well as advanced examples that demonstrate the potency of Python in the realm of data visualization.
The Python Graph Gallery has always been a reservoir of inspiration, providing hundreds of foundational chart examples for newcomers and seasoned developers alike.
While our vast collection offers a stepping stone into the world of data visualization, the following list stands out.
Every chart here represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship, exhibiting the depths to which matplotlib can be customized. These are not just graphs; they are polished masterpieces, ready for publication.
While I'm deeply indebted to the original authors for their stellar work, it's worth noting that many of these visualizations were first conceived in R, a testament to its rich visualization ecosystem. In an endeavor to bring the best to our Python community, I've translated these gems to further showcase the versatility and power of matplotlib.
Dive in and get inspired! 😍
La plateforme de podcast de Splann !
Graphite is an in-development raster and vector graphics package that's free and open source. It is powered by a node graph compositing engine that fuses layers with nodes, bringing a procedural approach to your design workflow.
A collection of innovations by women in the fields of computer science and technology.
When it comes to picking the type for your database's primary keys, there are a few divided camps. When making this decision for Visibuild I had to choose between the simplicity of sequential IDs and the longevity/future benefits of non-sequential IDs. I chose non-sequential IDs to make it easier to deal with sharding and regional databases in the future. Out of the many flavours of non-sequential IDs I chose ULIDs.